Garage Doors: When To Repair and When to Replace Them? 

When your garage door starts to wear down, you must either repair or replace it. Garage door repair is an essential service that ensures the smooth functioning and longevity of your garage door, providing convenience and peace of mind for homeowners. However, no one wants to make an unnecessary investment, such as purchasing an expensive appliance, particularly when the repair is a better alternative than a complete replacement.

So, when it comes to your garage door, you might wonder whether it is better to repair or replace it. While a new garage door will perform more efficiently and transform the look of your home, you can often avoid making this expenditure with a good repair. As you make the decision between repairing and replacing your garage door, here are a few things to consider:  

Garage Door Repair Vs. Replace 

Sometimes the issues are minor and can be easily repaired. If there has been a sudden breakdown, chances are that the problem is as simple as worn remote batteries. Even if you are not able to figure the problem out, call your garage door service company and they will fix the problem for you.

In some cases, a single panel may be damaged, or springs may be worn and may need repair or replacement. A noisy garage door may need tightening of the hinges. However, replacement may be considered in the following situations: 

Frequent repairs 

If your garage door is old and you have been calling your garage door repair company too frequently, you should consider replacing your garage door. This is especially important when the repairing is not able to solve all the problems. A garage door that frequently needs repairs may also pose a safety hazard. So, it is best to have your mechanic inspect the door thoroughly and recommend the best course of action.  

It had endured weather damage. 

Exposure to elements such as sun, rain, snow, and wind can cause a lot of wear and tear on your garage doors. If your garage door has endured considerable damage and there is rusting, discoloration, warping, dents, or broken panels, it is time to get a new garage door. Over time, debris such as dirt, leaves, twigs, and more can become lodged inside the tracks and cause friction. This can lead to misalignment. In this case, also replacement might be your only choice.  

Lacks modern functionality and safety features 

Older garage doors may not be as efficient and have the safety features that newer garage doors offer. The key feature of modern garage doors is that they have safety sensors that stop the door from moving if they detect the presence of children, pets, or any other objects under the door. This can prevent injury and other damages.  

High energy costs 

If your garage door is not properly sealed and insulated, chances are that your HVAC system has to work harder to maintain indoor temperature. This leads to an increase in energy bills. You may be able to reseal and prevent the drafts; however, if your garage door is too old, there is nothing much you can do. Newer garage doors are made of energy-efficient materials and have better insulation. By replacing your old garage door, you may be able to make significant energy savings. 

Damages beyond economic repair 

In some cases, it does not make economic sense to spend on repairs to your garage door. When the damage is extensive such as from a heavy impact, it is better to replace the door than try to repair it.  

If you are facing any problems with your garage door, get in touch with us now. We will inspect your door and suggest the best course of action.